Welcome to the Genetic Anthropology and Biocultural Studies (GABS) Laboratory at Vanderbilt University.

The GABS lab operates under the leadership of Jada Benn Torres, PhD.

In the Genetic Anthropology and Biocultural Studies Laboratory (GABS Lab) our focus is on biological anthropological research on genetic ancestry and women’s health disparities in US American and Caribbean populations. Our research foci are the following:

Genetics and Ethnogenesis:  We use population genetics to learn more about how culture and biology come together to shape community history and experience. Our primary focus is in Afro and Indigenous Caribbean populations.

Race and Women’s Health: We draw on anthropological insights and epidemiological approaches to consider how intersectional identities and genetics to factor into women’s health.

Genetics in Society:  We examine how people engage with genetic technologies as a means to understand more about broader societal meaning of scientific data.