About Our Lab

Modern DNA Lab

This laboratory is equipped as a molecular genetics laboratory and only studies genetic material from living individuals to address our research foci. Protocols include: PCR, , mtDNA and autosomal DNA library prep, and Pyrosequencing via the Qiagen Pyromark Q48.

Ancient DNA Lab

In the aDNA Lab we study genetic material obtained from bioarcheological contexts. We use genetic material from bone, teeth, hair, and other appropriate materials to address research questions. Given the limited amount and fragility of DNA from ancient remains, we must take additional precautions to avoid contamination within the laboratory. The aDNA lab is an ISO6 clean room, segmented into 4 separate consecutively adjoining areas: Gowning area, Sample processing room, Extraction Room, and pre-PCR room. Each room has UVC (Ultraviolet C) lights in the ceiling so all materials can be irradiated to remove potential contamination. The air is filtered through the ceiling with HEPA filters, and all rooms, with exception to the dressing room are positively pressured so that all air comes in through the filters, out through the door.

Jada Benn Torres, PhD

GABS Lab Director

*Is accepting graduate applicants at this time


Taiye Winful, MA

Doctoral Candidate


Katie McCormack, MA

Doctoral Candidate


Rosseirys De La Rosa

Graduate Student